Monday, March 29, 2010

Localize on Photoshop plugin SDK

Dear All,

I am developing an application which needs to support multiple language. So I don't know that Photoshop SDK supported localize or not?

Please help me.

Hieu Nguyen.
Localize on Photoshop plugin SDK
A plug-in for Photoshop must support localization issues. Photoshop does not have any support for localizing third party plug-ins.

What exactly are you looking to support in multiple languages?

We do have some technology that helps us localize strings but it is just for our internal strings and not a plug-in developer solution at this time.
Localize on Photoshop plugin SDK
Dear Tom Ruark,

I would like to implement as following:

+ When application starts up , it recognizes the current language of OS and set the application's message base on this language

+ When user selects another language, the application will change the application's message base on that language.

+ I store the localize strings(message) on text file. Base on each language, I have each text file.

Do you have any Localize Manager library that compatible with Photoshop SDK or some technology? please share with me.

Thanks so much,

Hieu Nguyen.

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